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Build Your Own Bubble Wand

Get creative and put your personality into your very own bubble wand! Each child will be given the materials to make his or her own bubble wand. The bubble fairy will provide basic instructions and assistance to the children during the craft. This activity is suitable for indoors.



Magic Hand Bubble Show

Experience real magic as the Bubble Fairy performs a bubble show using nothing but her bare hands! The show includes large bubbles, multi-bubbles, bubble stones, and more! This show can be adapted for indoors.

Wands Around the House

It's amazing how many things in the house you can blow bubbles with! The children will be provided with multiple household materials with which to make their own bubbles. They will be able test each one to see which one they like best. This activity is suitable for indoors.

Contact Juggling Show

Juggling a solid bubble is no mean trick. Contact juggling is a challenging art that is fascinating to see. Watch in awe as the Bubble Fairy transforms a bubble into a solid ball and magically juggles it all around! This show is suitable for indoors.

Interactive Hand Bubbles

Feel the magic for yourself as you make bubbles with nothing but your bare hands! The bubble fairy will provide supplies and instruction for hand bubbles. The children will experience the joy of being able to create and hold bubbles with their own hands. This activity is a bit messy, but fun for all involved. It is a great companion to the Hand Bubble Show. This activity can be adapted for indoors.

Mega Bubble Show

Have you ever blown a bubble that is as tall as you? They truly are a sight to see! The bubble fairy will perform a mega bubble show. These bubbles get up to 3-4 feet in diameter (sometimes bigger depending on the weather). She will perform mesmerizing mega bubble tricks as well as provide some mega bubbles for the children to pop. This has proven to be a crowd favorite. This activity is recommended for outdoors only.

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